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Lazarus im Schnee – Backyard Scarecrow’s Ode to Spring

Lazarus M. Snow © Frank H. Jump

Mag da draußen Schnee sich türmen,
Mag es hageln, mag es stürmen,
Klirrend an mein Fenster schlagen,
Nimmer will ich mich beklagen!
Denn ich trage in der Brust
Liebchens Bild und Frühlingslust.

Let snow on itself be piled,
Let the howling storm rage wild,
Beating o’er the window-pane,
Never more will I complain,
For within my heart bide warm
Spring-tide joy and sweetheart’s form.
(Translation attributed to Emma Lazarus – with some tweaks by me)

Heinrich Heine (1797 – 1856)

Mortal, sneer not at the devil;
Life’s a short and narrow way,
And perdition everlasting
Is no error of the day.

Mortal, pay thy debts precisely,
Life’s a long and weary way;
And to-morrow thou must borrow,
As thou borrow’dst yesterday.

Emma Lazarus (1849 – 1887)

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