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Holocaust Remembrance

Delft Blue Toilet circa 1880s – Anne Frank Huis – Amsterdam NL, 1989

© Frank H. Jump

Died Together – Remembered Separately – Hikind: Holocaust memorial should only honor Jews

Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind yesterday argues against the inclusion of non-Jewish victims.- NY Post

“The Holocaust is a uniquely Jewish event,” said Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn), whose mother is a Holocaust survivor and only Jews persecuted during the Nazi reign should be honored at a Holocaust memorial in Brooklyn.

Ghettoization continues after death.

Anne Frank in Kufiya – Sixth Avenue & 47th Street, NYC

Anne Frank in Kufiya
© Frank H. Jump

Kufiya Spotting

CBC: Liberation of Concentration Camps- April 23, 1945

Canadian Broadcasting Company: CBC- On This Day May 7th, 1945
Canada celebrates victory in Europe

Broadcast Date: May 7, 1945
Victory flags are flying high, church bells are ringing, and people are celebrating in the streets. It’s May 7, 1945, and the Allies have secured victory in Europe — 2,076 days after the start of the Second World War. Following a long series of hard-fought battles against Nazi aggression, the Allies get the news that German troops have finally conceded unconditional surrender. But for many this victory is somewhat bittersweet.

June 25, 2008 will mark 61 years since the publishing of Anne Frank’s Het Achterhuis.