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Uneeda Biscuit – Nashville, TN

© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump

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  1. Hey babe!
    its final, i am the new owner of the Philip Hone Gallery!! can you believe it????
    Either way, I am going to do ;an Artist of the Month Regular Feature. I was hopeful that you might be my first artist? for November?
    We are doing a Connections Mag Show the 17th of Sept, PBS Art 21 party on Oct 9th…. Give me a call, or stop in!
    I want to hear all about your trip. I do know you are busy now… with back to school. Sincerely Caroline

    1. fadingad says:

      Hey Caroline! Great news. Congratulations. Vincenzo’s mom is coming to NY in October and we will be in Washington for the LGBT march to tell Obama he needs to stop firing our brothers and sisters in the military and start recognizing same-sex marriages federally and giving our spouses pension rights. Will call soon. Best, Frank

  2. Caroline says:

    If you would like to work in your cause with the show, I will talk to the guys, and see what type of back up in the news stations we have, Bob was a camera man for the local news out of scranton for 25 yrs! Who knows, I love your spirit! Tell Vincenzo I said HI!!

  3. fadingad says:

    Hey Caroline- We haven’t been up in NEPA since we came back. I’ve been crazy with work at school. But we are coming into town this weekend, although we have to bring our RV to be serviced. I will call you tomorrow. Best, Frank