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Drink Nestlé Sweet Success – Mission District – San Francisco, CA

© Frank H. Jump

17th Street between Folsom and Treat. © Frank H. Jump

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  1. Hope says:

    I would like to know where this product (nestle sweet success) is sold. It has’nt been in any of the stores in my city in years. Can it be purchased on-line thru a company. Or can you send me a list of stores who still sell this product. I have searched for years to find this product and thought that it was taken off of the market.

  2. fadingad says:

    Hope – I document signage. Good luck in your search. Try Asian and Latin American markets. Best, Frank

  3. Kenneth M. says:

    Greetings Frank, Thanks for posting that photo. I was one of the scenic artist on that project. Another sign(identical) was over at the entrance to So. Park but was covered up by the construction of a new building. I needed a photo for my portfolio and your photo is pretty clear. Thanks, Kenneth

    1. fadingad says:

      My pleasure Kenneth. It is a beauty. Best, Frank

  4. Hannah says:

    hey,..Frank is it? My name is Hannah,in in 10th grade, and i go to Richland High School in Richland Washington. I’m doing a nutrition report for weight loss aids, and i chose Nestle Sweet Success weight loss shakes,…but the problem is, is that i cant find any info, or even a picturre of the actual product. My report is due friday of this week, so if you could help me in any way that would be greatly appreciated. I need to know where it was created, How it works, and Who created it. Like i said, if you could answer 1 or all of these and let me know where they were found with URLs, that would be awesome.

    Hannah M. Gray

    1. fadingad says:

      Dear Hannah- I don’t think this product is produced in the US anymore. If you look at the previous comments, the fellow who painted this sign, Kenneth M, who is a resident of the San Francisco area. I will forward your query to him and hopefully he will respond. Best of luck. Frank

  5. vj says:

    sweet success is now owned by a smaller company stock ( swts ) purchased from nestle.

  6. Bonnie P says:

    Nutrisystem is the company that bought the Nestle Sweet Success Line.

  7. Michael says:

    Hi All,

    Im desperately trying to get information on the building that Nestle spot was painted on. Its the Pacific Atlas Woodworking Co. Does anyone have any info or know where I might be able to find something? A name, number, anything at this point…

    Many Thanks, Michael