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O'Reilly's, Lunch & St. Pats 4 All!

© Frank H. Jump

“Lunch, Soda, Lounge” – West 35th Street b/w 5th & 6th Aves.
Isn’t it about time the Ancient Order of Hibernians (the Fascist face of Irish Conservativism) get off of their high moral horses and include their lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer and questioning bretheren and sistheren into the fold of Irish Pride as do their more enlightened European Irish predecessors on the other side of the pond?

St. Pats For All!

LGBTQ FlagIrish Flag
LGBT Rights in the Republic of Ireland

It usually takes the US Immigrants of other countries a century or two to catch up culturally  with their predecessors.

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