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Canarsee "Indian Cemetery" – Off Varkens Hoek Laan – Canarsie, Brooklyn

Indian Cemetery

After posting about Varkens Hook Road, I noticed the “Indian Cemetery” just south of the intersection at Flatlands and wondered what happened to it. Then I started to dig a bit – with a Google trowel.

A Family Historian's Guide to New York City Cemeteries
The Graveyard Shift: A Family Historian’s Guide to New York City Cemeteries
By Carolee Inskeep Published by Ancestry.com 1998

The Canarsee

The Canarsee, who seem through their archeological remains, to be related to the Delaware subtribes, rather than those of Eastern Long Island or Westchester. Canarsee occupied or owning the western extremity today known as Kings County and their jurisdiction extended eastward to “Yemacah” the present Jamaica. Included with this territory was the group or family of Mareykawick, occupying a village on the site of Brooklyn, over which in 1645, Maganwetinnenim ruled as Sachem.

Canarsee also owned “Pagganck” (Governors Island) the name indicating an island covered with nut trees. This they sold in 1637 by a deed executed by Cacapeteyno Chief of Canarsee and Pewihas, who also owned the land at Wallabout, sold by them on behalf of the community the same year. – Peconic


Other Peconic, genealogical, Canarsie Courier & Cemetery sources.


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  1. Lidian says:

    Your Google trowel came up with some really interesting stuff – I am assuming that Grace Church is still looking after this cemetery – I hope so.

  2. Al says:

    For anyone who is interested there is an amazing documentary called Passing Poston. It is the tale of four former internees at the Poston Relocation camp during WW II. The film is a heart wrenching story, of the search to forgive a nation that turned its back to so many of its own citizens.

    Its a must see! Its showing at the Pioneer Theater on August 8th till the 14th.

  3. marianne mallin says:

    do you know if any of the records from Grace Church were saved
    I have family from Canarsie (Baldwin Ryder Mallin Miller) and Grace Church is listed in family records