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When Things Look Black – Orange, NJ

When Things Look Black
© Frank H. Jump


  1. Geraldine Reed says:

    I have an advertisement tong with “Imperial Laundry Co.” raised letters on the metal on one side and the motto, “When Things Look Black” on the other. Wonder how old these might be. We use them ALL the time. My mother lived in Newark NJ. She was born in 1914.

    1. MrChester)Chester Tuthill says:

      Go to the Imperial Laundry site and see my response.

  2. fadingad says:

    Wow Geraldine. What a great anecdote. Not sure how old it is. Take a photo of the front and back and I will post it!


    1. MrChester)Chester Tuthill says:

      If you are still around, go to the Imperial Laundry site and see my response.

      1. aja smith says:

        hi, mr tuthill what is the link? Thank you.

  3. MrChester)Chester Tuthill says:

    My Great Uncles managed the Imperial Laundry during the early years of the last Century. Their names were William and Louis Busch. My last contact with them was in the year 1946 when Uncle Bill (who I visited en route to a job interview in New York City) said that I must wear a hat to the interview. I didn’t have one, so he gave me his hat and insisted that I wear it. I got the job! Anyone interested in them or the laundry can contact me.

    1. fadingad says:

      Would love to see your website! Please provide a link. Thanks. Frank

  4. June Tuthill Bassemir says:

    I have two Imperial Laundry advertising items, as my grand uncles William and Louis Busch either owned the laundry or managed it. One is a small screw diver key chain and the other is a carpenter’s pencil – big and round. I judge them to be from the l940’s I used to have a big metal spoon with raised letters on it “Imperial Laundry” but it has disappeared. Does anyone know what happened to Marilyn Busch? She woulld be in her 80’s now and is my cousin. June