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Rodger McFarlane

Tribute to Rodger McFarlane – Homo Sex in Colonial America – Larry Kramer

Homo Sex in Colonial America

Homo Sex in Colonial America

This is the last piece I had input on from my just departed dearly beloved Rodger McFarlane, who read and critiqued everything I have ever written. He loved it, as he loved me. And I pass it on to you, to the world, in memory of him, who encouraged me so and believed in me so, as I did him.

May he be at peace.


Rodger McFarlane - Former Gill Foundation executive director and longtime philanthropist Rodger McFarlane died May 15 in New Mexico. He was 54.

Rodger McFarlane - Former Gill Foundation executive director and longtime philanthropist Rodger McFarlane died May 15 in New Mexico. He was 54. - Advocate

Larry Kramer has been writing his The American People since 1978. His first draft, just completed, is some 4000 pages. He and his editor are now rolling up their sleeves. – Huffington Post

Broadway Lights Dimmed In Tribute Of Mobile Native – WKGR Mobile-Pensacola