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Eaglo Paint Seasonal Quadripartite – – Signs and Vines Weather and Grow – – Flatbush Junction, Aug '98 – June '99

Eaglo Paint Quadripartite
© Frank H. Jump

This sign, formerly on Nostrand Avenue & Glenwood Road- near Brooklyn College- illustrated the effects of nature on a fading ad, which made it a dynamic reminder of the passing of time- not to mention ones own mortality.

The last image was taken on June 22, 1999- and is in an unusual summer state for this entwining symbiosis of signage and vinage. Apparently the roots were cut and the healthy, lush leaves have withered in the summer sun- another unexpected death.

Signs and vines weather and grow.
Brick, pigment, plant and lime-
Tenuously intertwined through time.
As paint degrades and image fades,
Soft tones evolve
From salmon pinks and jades-
Into sand and grime.

Frank H. Jump

In 2000, a very comprehensive thesis on photography called Are Photographs Copies of the World? -An Interactive Study By George Carey Simos (University of Wales) is published on the web HERE -and includes the Eaglo Paint Quadripartite.



Aug 2002

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  1. Rocky Sweeney says:

    I grew up on Nostrand Ave. Behind the bus is my parents cleaning store. That pic sure brought back memories. I lived on that block at the time the pic was taken and was 14 at the time.

  2. fadingad says:

    Thanks for the memory. Send me a pic of you when you were 14 in front of the building if you have one. We live two blocks away and miss the ad terribly.