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Gloria Steinem

On Nostalgia – New York Times Online Mentions Fading Ad Blog – FAB!

J. David Goodman of the New York Times Online was kind enough to mention our blog today.

Another place where the city’s past continues to endure: the sides of buildings. Fading Ads tracks these in daily dispatches from our enduring landscape. Plus ça change … –  J. David Goodman

Here is my response to his article:

Gloria Steinem said on the Bill Maher Show that “nostalgia is a form of obstructionism.” Can we move forward without looking back? Some do very easily- progress without looking where they’ve been. Others need the past as a reference. Nonetheless, the old ways are surely fading and the new ways need a tutorial. The challenge is keeping oneself ahead of the learning curve. Thanks for the mention Mr. Goodman!

Bill Maher show - Close Captioning - Fading Ad Wiki on Nostalgia

Check out my page on Nostalgia @ Fading Ad Wiki!

More on Nostalgia – Gloria Steinem on Bill Maher

Gloria Steinhem on Bill Maher

Bill Maher's Retort on Nostalgia

Bill Maher's Retort on Nostalgia
© Frank H. Jump

This past summer I posted Gloria Steinem’s wonderful quote “on nostalgia” while on Maher’s Real Time, juxtaposed to University of Texas (Austin) Professor Gerald Torres‘ quote on PBS: Nostalgia is corrosive. I never did show the sequence of events on Bill Maher though [They were actually talking about binladen (one word in lower case)]. It’s hilarious. I love Gloria- she is such a class act. Although, she might call me classist by saying so.

I also love watching CC TV (closed-captioned). Since the ringing in my ears is way louder than the normal speaking voice, in an attempt to hear-  it repastes context (written) over visual context- like a shift in frame of time – or frame of reference.